
waterproof paint


Using Waterproof Paint

Unlike most of your interior paint jobs, the bathroom may provide you with the most potential to hone your painting skills. This may excite the painters among us who have room for growth. The rest of us may find this prospect tiresome.

What makes the bathroom different from other rooms? Guests and residents alike will use this room, and because water is the main component of each use, the painted surfaces in this room may require your upkeep similar to what an exterior wall requires.

Preventing Mold and Mildew

Excessive water exposure on painted surfaces can cause damage that ranges in severity from color fading to mildew and even mold, if not treated correctly. Regardless of your expertise as a painter, maintaining a perfect coat on the walls can be a hassle unless you take preventative measures. You have many options, but one of the most common, inexpensive, practical, and reliable steps towards a lasting coat is to use waterproof paint.

Waterproof paint is an option not all too different from your regular wall paint and it can be a great option to protect your walls from the steam and mildew that gathers on a regular basis. This option is an acrylic formula that you can apply much more thickly, and it is a great DIY option. Brush it, spray it, or roll it over painted surfaces, and once it’s cured, you can paint over it. Best of all, a surface covered with waterproofing additives allows you to easily wipe away dirt and grime that builds up on it.

Waterproofing Your Paint

How do you waterproof your paint?

What you will need:
– Latex pain (4 parts to one part additive)
– Liquid measuring cup
– Plastic bucket
– Two-speed electric drill
– Mixing paddle drill attachment
– Waterproofing additive

Step 1– Begin with your latex paint in a big bucket.

Step 2– Secure your mixing paddle in the drill, and after immersing your paddle in the paint, turn your drill onto the lowest setting and start mixing.

Step 3– Slowly pour your waterproofing additive into the bucket while the paddle is still mixing. Continue this step until the additive and the paint have fully combined.


  • A moderate air temperature free of extreme cold and humidity will provide you with the best coat.
  • Check the manufacturer’s instructions before you begin. Certain waterproofing additives are best dissolved in water-based paints and others are recommended for oil-based paints.
  • Semi-gloss and high-gloss are your best choices for bathroom paint. They can repel water and reduce spotting.
