by Zenith Home Finishes | Aug 16, 2013 | Blog, Painting How-To's
Choosing a Roller Painting a wall may seem like a simple task, but a closer look reveals several subtleties that are important to understand. When it comes to selecting the tools you need for the job, a good roller is one of the most useful and effective things you...
by Zenith Home Finishes | Aug 10, 2013 | Blog, Exterior Painting, Home Painting, Interior Painting, Painting How-To's
Paint and Tone Color is one of the most simple and basic elements of our surroundings. It is the reflection of different wavelengths of light that, in combination, are received and interpreted by the human eye. Beyond the science of it, color informs the way we...
by Zenith Home Finishes | Jul 18, 2013 | Blog
After flipping through hundreds of paint swatches, envisioning your project in dozens of colors and agonizing over just the right hue, your work has just begun. Having a color selected is just the beginning. Now you have to decide what type of paint you want to use....
by Zenith Home Finishes | Jun 27, 2013 | Blog, Exterior Painting
Our last post taught you how weather affects when to paint your home. But while the day you paint is the most important day for the quality and durability of your paint, every day after will bring new stresses. Here’s a rundown on the effects of strong weather on your...
by Zenith Home Finishes | Jun 24, 2013 | Blog, Exterior Painting
Weather affects paint. Of course wind, rain, and ice will all degrade your paint over time, but the most important weather conditions to consider are on the day you actually paint. The temperature outside when you apply paint will affect how it ages in the years to...
by Zenith Home Finishes | Jun 20, 2013 | Blog, Home Painting
Cleaning painted walls should be a simple chore, and most of the time it is. The exception is those cases where either the stain is too stubborn or the paint is too weak. Either way, you’ll be challenged to scrub harder than the paint can handle. Quality paints in...