
fall-house-paintingPaint Your House This Fall

Autumn is a beautiful season. The best autumns are full of warm sunny days, cool and refreshing nights, and the start of another school year. Fall is also a perfect season to have the exterior of your house professionally painted.

Preparing for Winter

The changing leaves and autumnal sunsets of fall quickly give way to the harsher winter. Snow, ice, sleet, and winter wind are brutal on your home’s exterior, including your paint job. If there are signs of wear and tear on your house paint, winter weather and dramatically lower temperatures will likely make them much worse.

Not only does peeling and chipped paint look bad, it can also allow moisture to seep into your siding material, causing rot, frost damage, mold, and mildew. A thorough exterior paint job will include caulking all the seams of your home, keeping it looking sharp and staying dry.

Work with the Weather

Your home can be painted during other seasons, but fall offers some uniquely favorable conditions. In addition to being an ideal prep time for the upcoming winter, autumn is a reliable and prime time to paint.

Fall weather, for the most part, is more stable than the spring and summer months. Thunderstorms, random rain showers, and turbulent weather is less common in the fall. This allows more seamless scheduling, fewer (if any) delays, and a speedy finish time.

Autumn is also a less humid and extremely hot time of year. These drier, cooler weather patterns create favorable conditions for your new paint to properly and effectively cure. It will also help seal out moisture. The faster curing time also means that the whole project will be finished sooner. Paint that cures under ideal conditions can last longer and provide superior protection.

Touch-up and Deck Work

Your entire home may not need a new coat of paint, but it may have some spots that need touching up. If you have a deck that is in need of re-staining or sealing, autumn conditions are equally good for that. Preventative maintenance is an affordable and effective way of prolonging the life of your exterior paint or deck surface long into the future.

While fall is a great time to paint, keep in mind that once temperatures fall below 50 degrees, conditions become less favorable. Paint cures best above that mark, so early to mid-fall is your best bet for a superior painting job.

“Image Credit: wikimedia.org
