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Top 5 Reasons to Invest in a Roof Coating System

Flat roof coating systems and painting services in Denver

With Fall around the corner, it is time to consider how best to protect your building from snow, rain, and hail. Over time, harsh weather can take a toll on the integrity of a structure and can cause long-lasting damage.

A building’s roof is one of its most important structural features. At Zenith Painting and Coatings, we work to help our residential and commercial clients protect the security and stability of their roofs. We do this by working one-on-one with our customers to identify a coating system that will fit their needs and is guaranteed to withstand any storm.

#1 Saves Time and Money

The top advantage of installing a roof coating system is by far the money you will save.

On average, a roof coating system will cost only 30% – 40% of a full tear off and replacement of the existing flat roof. Roof coating systems also take half the time to apply than a traditional roofing system, further saving money in labor and renovation expenses.

#2 Lowers Energy Costs

By implementing a roof coating system, you can block the vast majority of UV rays from bombarding your building. This will substantially lower the high cost of air conditioning in the summers and will reduce the need for AC.

#3 Installation is a Breeze  

A roof coating system can be installed in 3 easy steps:

1) Power wash the existing roof.

2) Repairing any loose or damaged pieces.

3) Apply the coating system.

Yes, it’s just that easy!

#4 Roofing Seams are a Thing of the Past

Roofing seams are often the culprit of a weak and leaky roof.  Roof coatings have the ability to penetrate deep into the grooves and curves of your roof, protecting the seams from harsh weather and water.

#5 Save your Roof, Save the World

Saving the world may seem like a bit of an exaggeration. However, the disposal of roofing products, mainly consisting of tar and rubber, fill up 15% of landfills and poses a serious threat to our environment. Roofs are often removed and replaced before necessary, resulting in a huge amount of waste. When you install a roof coating system you prolong the life of your existing roof and conserve the materials that would otherwise be overwhelming the earth.

Get Your Roof Coating System Today!

At Zenith Painting and Coatings we are here to support our customers every step of the way. We will help you flawlessly complete your roofing renovations. Please call us today at (720) 855-7019 to find out more information or to schedule a free consultation!

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