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Can Commercial Roof Coatings Weather the Storm?

Ice on roof prior to ice removal service

Zenith Painting & Coatings is proud to offer commercial roof coating systems to new heights and onto your roof with professional roof coating products. A professional roof coating system will combat all forces of nature while reducing costs, carbon footprints, and ultimately extending the life of your roof. Your roof is the first defense when protecting your building from mother nature and an extra layer of protection goes a long way!

Protecting your roof from the elements:

In areas of high wind, especially in the Colorado Eastern Flat Lands, roofs are susceptible to damage. A strong wind can pull, push and tear of your roofing material leaving your roof damaged and exposed. By installing a coating system, you minimize your risk by sealing the roof and adhering it to the building itself.

The rain itself is not your roofs biggest enemy. Yes, if you have a damaged roof it may leak, but the real danger is when the temperature drops and the water freezes. This creates a lake of ice and is often too heavy for the roof to support. Roof lakes can cause serious structural damage and the water that seeped into the internal parts of the roof causes further cracking as it freezes and expands. This can cause the growth of mold and other interior damage. By installing a roof coating system, you will seal the cracks stopping internal damage and adding a layer of support to your roof.

During an intense hail storm, a roof can have its lifespan diminished from 20 years to 2 years and the accumulation of smaller storms can cause damage to your roof over time. By applying a roof coating system to your existing roof, you can greatly reduce the chances of hail damage on the roof system thus extending its lifespan. Gaco Western Roof Coating products are highly elastic and can handle impact substantially better than most traditional roofs.

Winter in cold climates can wreak havoc on commercial roofs, straining load-bearing elements, weakening roofing components, and resulting in leaks. Living in a Colorado climate requires building owners to be proactive in the care and attention they give to their roofs in the months leading up to the winter months. Annual inspections, routine cleaning and maintenance, and a properly applied coating system can help your roof to weather the harsh winters. Coating systems shield your roof from moisture penetration. This measure is especially effective at preventing damage from freeze and thaw cycles and has the added benefit of protecting your roof year-round, not just during winter.

If you are a building owner looking to take this preventative step and add years onto the life of your existing roof, call Zenith! We have a dedicated team of professionals who provide quality customer service and incredible craftsmanship. Call us today for your free estimate or to schedule an appointment at (720) 855-7019.

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